Nemui Blog Update 2021

Nemui Blog Update 2021: Happy New Year! What Next for This Blog?

I can only wonder what This year has in store for all of us. Video games, probably.
I can only wonder what This year has in store for all of us. Video games, probably.

Congrats, We (barely) Survived 2020

Well, at least we survived 2020 right? The whole year felt like being in a 20-car pileup in the highway, looking front or back, it was always a bad scene. All of our lives were affected by “you-know-what” spreading around the globe. It’s like we are living in a game of Plague Inc. right now.

But now that 2021 has just started, It’s a good time for us to reset the game, a time for us to hit restart and patch ourselves up after what’s been happening.

Hitting Restart: Nemui Blog in 2021

This year, expect more posts and videos now that all the setups are done. There are a ton of games on my to-play list and I’d like to share my thoughts on them. Plenty of video ideas have popped up in my mind too, mostly gameplay and some memes will flood this site and the YouTube channel.

Things are going to get a little busy around here (if I don’t procrastinate like usual) and I hope you look forward to the articles and videos I’ll be putting out.

Nemui Channel is here:

It’s a New Start, You Got This!

2020 wasn’t kind to anyone, but that shouldn’t completely derail whatever we wanted to do. Sometimes we gotta take a coffee break or a nap just to get ourselves looking in the right direction again.

Take some time to play that game you always wanted, or maybe try another genre of games for a change, anything to get some peace of mind at least for a while.

Take care out there 🙂

– Niko